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Abhyangam with Ushma Sweda

Whole body Oil Massage

Ayurveda advocates Abhyanga or application of medicated herbal oils on body on daily basis for longevity. It tones the body, enhances eye sight and ensures sound sleep.
In Ushma Sweda or Steam bath, the sweat pores open up after sitting in a steam chamber filled with aromatic steam of herbs. It is a pre-requisite for panchakarma therapies or purification procedures for the body

Drava Sweda

Medicated water bath

The decoction prepared out of more than 20 herbs is used to bath the whole body. The herbs selected will be based on the body type. It will pacify the doshas (vital elements), relax the muscles and leave you with a refreshed feeling.


Deep tissue Ayurveda Massage

This is done by applying pressure on the vital points or marmas. The masseur applies pressure with the fingers, thumb or palm at certain points. This massage can do wonders in overworked, tired and stressed muscles as it helps to stretch the body and alleviate fatigue.


Ayurveda Oil Bath

This is a process in which the body is made to perspire by continuously pouring lukewarm herbal oils in a peculiar pattern followed by gentle massage. This treatment strengthens the muscles, rejuvenates the body at cellular level and improves the texture and complexion of skin. Pizhichil is carried out on healthy person as a rejuvenating process.


Massage with Herbal Poultice

Fomentation with warm roasted leaf bags is done along with the basic massage. Elakkizhi helps to relieve the spasm and stiffness of muscles, lubricates the joints, strengthen the spinal muscles and relieves joint pain especially backache. It will enhance the peripheral blood circulation, cleanse the channels of circulation and expel toxins through the sweat. The procedure can be done using medicated powders/combination  of 9 cereals in place of the herbs depending upon the health condition of the patient.


Massage with special medicated rice and milk

Massage with Ayurvedic Oils for the whole body is done in the first phase of this treatment. This is followed by massage with warm rice (medicinal rice - Njavara) bags dipped in a combination of milk and herbal decoctions. This massage nourishes tissues, softens the skin, enhances complexion, strengthens body muscles, cures the stiffness of the joints and improves digestive power.

KsheeraDhara (Sarvanga)

Dripping medicated milk on forehead

Steady stream of lukewarm medicated milk is continuously poured over the body from a traditional bronze vessel called kindi in a peculiar pattern while the body is simultaneously massaged. This massage softens the skin, increases the blood circulation, improves complexion and has a rejuvenating effect. It is suggested for relieving the pain, spasm and stiffness of muscles & joints.


Powder Massage

Initially a special herbal powder based on the body type and health condition will be selected. Massage with that powder will be done for one hour after 30 minutes of oil massage. Other than the broad spectrum uses in treatment of diseases it can be used as a scrub for exfoliation, fat depletion and strengthening the muscles. Udwarthanam will remove the impurities, dead skin cells and stimulate circulation.


Dripping oil on the forehead

A steady stream of medicated oil is poured on the forehead in a peculiar pattern after a basic massage. Sirodhara is very effective for mental relaxation and has a curative role in sleep disturbance, headache, hair problems and skin diseases.


Dripping medicated buttermilk on forehead

It's a unique process done in Kerala in which medicated buttermilk is poured on the forehead after a basic massage. It's an excellent cure for body weakness, headache, body aches, urinary system dysfunctions, ear diseases and eye diseases.
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